Thursday, May 30, 2013

Test Training

This morning I had my private skating lesson and I'm still trying to perfect my skills for the adult pre-bronze test coming up in about 3 weeks. Here are the required elements (from USFSA):

Adult Pre-Bronze Moves in the Field Test

1. Forward perimeter stroking
The skater will perform four to eight straight strokes depending on the length of the ice and the strength of the skater, with crossovers around the ends, using the full ice surface and for one full lap the rink (in both directions). Introductory steps are optional. Focus: Continuous flow, strength and extension
 2. Basic consecutive edges

   Forward Outside Edges
   Forward Inside Edges
   Backward Outside Edges
   Backward Inside Edges
Starting from a standing position, the skater will perform four to six half circles alternating feet, using an axis line such as a hockey line. The skater may start each set on either foot, but they must be skated in the order listed. Focus: Edge quality
3. Forward and backward crossovers 
The skater will perform forward crossovers in a figure eight pattern. It is expected that the skater will perform the transition between circles on one foot. Four to six crossovers per circle are recommended. Upon completing the forward figure eight, the skater will perform a swing roll and change of edge to an open Mohawk in order to turn around and continue the figure eight pattern with four to six backward crossovers per circle. This move may start in either direction. Introductory steps are optional. Focus: Continuous flow and strength
4. Waltz eight
The skater will perform the waltz eight, using large circumference circles completing two patterns on each foot, and performed with control. This move may start on either foot. Introductory steps are optional or may begin from a standing start. The skater may mark the center. Focus: Edge quality
5.  Forward right and left spirals
The skater will perform right and left foot spirals down the length of the rink maintaining a spiral position on each for approximately four seconds with extended leg held at the hip level or higher. The skater may be on flats and may start on either foot. Introduction steps are options. Focus: Extension 
These descriptions and terms may not mean much to those unfamiliar with figure skating but you get the general idea of what I'm dealing with. I've got #1 and #5 pretty much nailed down. #3 is pretty good but still needs practice. I'm usually running into other people when I practice them so it's hard to get into a rhythm sometimes. #2 and #4 need the most work. Those back insides are a bitch! 
Here is a video that shows a sample of this test (minus the Waltz 8 - it got cutoff) along with the pre-bronze free skate test:

Here is the Waltz 8:

I really need to get to the rink more between now and test time. I would also like to record myself skating so I can see what I look like (flying hyena comes to mind) but I'm too shy to do that right now. I may put off testing until July (I say "I" like it's my decision but my coach might make me anyway) if my edges don't improve. Testing is a bit nerve wracking because it's just you on the ice, 1 to 3 judges watching, and it is DEAD silent. You hear every little scratch and scrape and you pray to baby Jesus that you won't clip your blades because the judges will hear it loud and clear. I do feel confident I'll pass though (granted I don't let nerves get to me) given I have three more weeks to practice. The judging is usually more lenient for adults, I think, and plus it's the first test level so they are more forgiving.
That doesn't mean I won't say a little prayer before I get on that ice come test time.

1 comment:

Jules said...

Hi there! I just came across your blog and wanted to say hello! I love connecting with other skaters around the world. Good luck for your test - and definitely video yourself - Im trying to do more of that myself so I can see exactly what I need to improve on. I keep putting my next test off too! Happy skating :)

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