Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Selling Out

My friend Shawn was renting a room in my house and just moved out last week. I'm working on renting the whole house out in February but I have to empty its contents before doing so. I have lots of furniture that I would LOVE to keep but I have no use for at this time in my life, so onto Craigslist they go. Perhaps we shall meet again someday - you in the form of a brown cardboard box with contents full of particle board all from the land of IKEA, and me, with a larger new house to put you in.  'Til then, how I will miss thee.

Here is a sample of my inventory:
 Penny on the Big Bang Theory has those same green pillows

Follow the yellow brick road... to my kitchen

This is from Pier 1 by the way - I like to diversify where I can

This is a popular piece

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