Friday, April 24, 2015

In The Swing of Things

Spring flowers in bloom.

It's been 10 weeks since the ankle fracture and I finally got back on the ice yesterday! My doctor said I could skate again after my 8 week check up but walking still felt a little strange because my proprioception was off and I wanted to make sure my calf muscle was stronger. They gave me a Theraband and I made sure to do daily strengthening and stretching exercises.  I read somewhere that if you can hop on your affected leg 15 times without pain then it's a good sign you're ready to get back into your sport. When I was able to to that (albeit tiny hops) I felt like I could skate again. I need to at this point because I am feeling super fat! 

We're also in our third week of kickball. The first time I kicked the ball at practice it felt like I kicked a cement block. It did not feel good at all. I felt like I needed to put my air cast back on. For the first game (in the rain) running wasn't so bad but sudden starting and stopping would be painful. It feels a lot better now though. It will be sore after a game but the next day it feels fine. 

Kickball 365 Harrisburg League on City Island.
It's almost May but still chilly!

Hopefully soon I can resume training for my Bronze test and start jumping again. One day at a time though. It'll be hard to get to the rink once the weather gets warmer! When will that be, exactly??

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