Back in April I found out I was preggo! I've been debating whether to write about it but I'm coming to terms with how forgetful and absent-minded I am lately so I decided I should before I lose it completely. It's been an exciting time the past few months. I'm in my fifth month now and I can't believe by the end of the year (or beginning of next) we will have a new, less furry little one to take care of.
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10 Week U/S |
First trimester recap:
The first trimester was pretty sucktastic and I'm glad that's long gone. First the boobs hurt, then the bloat arrived. Then add on constipation, restless sleep, food aversions, acne, constant need to pee and nauseousness. Pretty much the same as what most pregos through, I suppose. The only cool thing might be all the crazy dreams I've had. I still have them now and it's kind of entertaining.
Vegetables and meat made me gag but I craved hot dogs, fruit, ice cream, and Korean food. I ordered a spinach, broccoli, and Brussels sprout omelette one morning and I felt like I was on Fear Factor trying not to throw it up. I don't know why I ordered it but I guess I thought it'd be good for the baby. I never actually threw up though, thank goodness. I mostly felt queasy during the late afternoon and right before I went to bed at night.
As far as exercise, I've been playing kickball once a week since April so I've been pregnant the whole time. Shortness of breath and feeling my heart pound out of my chest are more fun side effects of pregnancy. I stopped skating in mid-May. I was going maybe once a week and had a hell of a time breaking in new boots. I felt dizzy doing spins so I just stopped. I know how I am (dare devil/speed demon) and being careful isn't something you can always control on the ice. I decided it's probably best to stop completely. Other then that I jogged early on and walked a few times here and there. But mostly I've been slacking. I feel very lazy and the summer heat doesn't motivate me at all.
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13 Weeks |
Second trimester so far:
Ah, the golden trimester. I feel pretty normal now. I eat whatever without issue. I can eat salads again. The only thing is this growing belly. I've gained about 9-10 lbs so far. I'm used to the peeing 2-3 times a night - it's like clockwork. Physically lifting myself up each time is getting harder and harder though. I try to avoid using my abs because I feel like they are going to rip apart. I keep bumping into things, too. I haven't had any back pain yet but I can feel small twinges in my sciatic nerve when I'm sitting or laying on one side too long.
I bought a Snoogle pillow for when sleeping gets more challenging. I almost forgot to mention the lovely heat rashes that appeared around Week 18 on my upper thighs (pregnancy brain!). I don't know what triggered them but I think it was the humid conditions and a certain pair of polyester pants that brought them on. They were so itchy until I went to the beach last weekend. The saltwater must have helped a lot because they are all but gone right now. I thought it might be PUPPP (a pregnancy related rash that affects 1 in 100) but since they appeared earlier than the third trimester, I don't think it was that.
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20 Weeks as of 8/12/15 |
I miss skating, wine, and sleeping like a log. Virgin Malibu Bay Breezes have been my mocktail of choice (aka pineapple & cranberry juice) and I am loving maternity clothes. Elastic for life!
I felt the baby moving for the first time last week. It's pretty amazing. And finally, we find out if it's a boy or girl tomorrow on our one year wedding anniversary! I think Roy would like a girl. I am happy with either but a Roy, Jr. would be pretty adorable!
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