Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Test Practice

More video! I think I'm getting the hang of using Windows Live Movie Maker to edit videos. Here's a run through of the test I'm going to take on May 17th. The elements are a Waltz jump, Toe Loop jump, one-foot spin, two-foot spin, forward and backward crossovers (either direction), and a spiral.

My toe loop needs more knee bend and my front crossovers and swing mohawk need work. Two-foot spins are just awkward but I still have some time to work on those to get them as perfect as can be. It's a PASS/FAIL test so I think I'll be able to pass but there's no nerves involved in these practice runs so what you see isn't always what you get when showtime comes. I am considering taking the Bronze MIF test on June 7th if all goes well next Saturday, oh, and if coach approves of course.

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