Friday, April 18, 2014

Skating Update

Last Saturday officially wrapped up the 2013-2014 synchro season with the Team Reflections Banquet. I dragged Roy with me and it was a good time. I think his good time started after he got a few beers in him. It was nice to hang out with the other skaters and their families in normal clothes and in room temperature. You get to find out who they are in their non-skating world. Figure skaters seem like a rare breed but there are many of them out there.

We reminisced over our progress throughout the season and the coaches handed out awards. Surprisingly, I received the Most Improved Skater Award for the Adult Team for the second year in a row! I was certain I wouldn't get it again so I didn't even realize it when my name was called. I'm glad I'm improving each year. I'm certainly putting in the time and effort but I wish I could put in more. This is terrible but I'm going to compare it Candy Crush. Skating is like Candy Crush.  There are hundreds of levels or skills to work on and some you blow past and others you are stuck on, FOREVER. You can't pay $0.99 to move onto the next episode in skating, unfortunately.  I can't believe I just compared my life to Candy Crush, but my life IS Candy Crush lately, so there you have it.

Here's a pic of the lovely OJ team:

It's been over a year since I started taking weekly private lessons and I've managed to get my scratch spin, sit spin, and camel spin fairly consistent.  My Camel-Sit is there, but not always consistent. I am out of breath after doing just one of those so I have to get more fit. It's amazing how skaters make things look so easy but it takes so much energy to do all the things they do.

My jumps are getting more consistent and I can land my Lutz but I'm trying to make it look effortless. I'm practicing right now for my Pre-Bronze Free Skate test which consists of a waltz jump, toe loop, one foot spin, two foot spin, forward and backward crossovers, and a spiral. The last three years of practice should make me a pro at these elements, right? I wish.

My next goal would be to get a program together and get more fit (because otherwise I would never make it through the program).  Music makes skating more fun and it actually makes it easier to nail elements it seems because you stop thinking about what you're doing and you just go with the music. Over thinking and analyzing are killers for me. You don't want to know how many times I've adjusted my blades. So much that I should carry a screw gun in my skating bag.

Speaking of getting fit, Roy joined a kickball league. He has yet to play a game because the field wasn't ready. More on that later!

Happy Easter Weekend (aka regular weekend for me)!

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