Took the pontoon boat and the docks out of the river on Sunday marking an end to the Party Barge's 8th season (I've only been a part of 4 of them). We didn't take the boat out as much as we had hoped to this summer but we managed to squeeze a lot in at the end. The other day our neighbor pointed out that before Roy dated me, they would take the boat out almost every day. I guess that's what happens when you get older and more accustomed to married life. Before, we'd be out on the boat well into the (week)night, drinking beer and just hanging out. Now we start earlier in the day on weekends and more often than not with kids around. Oh no, what's happening here!? Are we grown ups?
On Saturday we took the boat out for a final voyage with my friend Kathy, her sisters, brother-in-law, nieces and nephews plus one of the kid's best friends. Kathy was up for
Labor Day a couple weeks earlier with Emily.
We ventured out just before lunchtime. The weather was cool with an overcast. |
Al, Sean, and Nicholas proudly holding their first (and only) catch of the day - a small mouth bass. Al is a character. He was looking for his bag at one point during the day and somehow we all started calling it the Chinese Bag. Not sure why, but maybe because he's Chinese and it's his bag. |
Fishing on the dock at one of the islands (Maui of the Susquehanna? - ha, yeah right). |
Lunch at Duke's. Sean wanted his face in the photo to show just how big this Crab Pretzel is. Roy told him he's making it look smaller, hehe. |
The clouds cleared up in the afternoon and it got warmer. The kids love the tube. |
My favorite part of the day was when Roy had the boat just drifting down the river and we were looking down at the clear water. You could see every detail of the sea grass, rocks, and snails. You see all kinds of fish, like catfish, carp, and bass. Sometimes you'll see turtles and snakes. You see tires, engines and weird things like that too. Someone actually collected a bunch of tires and stacked them up in the middle of the river so when the water's low you can see them. Tire Island, I suppose.
Hopefully next year we will go boating at least once a week (like we said we would this year). I'll have to start scheduling guests so that we make sure to go out. Anyone in for Memorial Day weekend, 2014? Let us know!
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