A lot has been going on here in Wormy Burg. Here's big blog bonanza of what's been going on the last couple months (in no particular order).
Pond Cleaning
Springtime means clean time and after a dreary, cold, wet, and pretty much disgusting winter our pond was one of our top priorities for a good scrubbing. Pond cleaning includes filling large trash bins with new water, transferring the fish to a holdover bin, and sump pumping out the old water while scrubbing algae off rocks and such. It's pretty gross. We helped Roy's parents clean their pond, too.
Taken from the 2nd floor apartment above our place after we cleaned it. |
A closeup shot. We didn't lose any fish this year during the cleanup thank goodness. Our tap water is so chlorinated it smells like pool water and we have to add something to get rid of it for the fish. One year we lost quite a few fish so we try to prevent that from happening again.
Here's a before shot of Roy's parents' pond. Green and icky. Ours pretty much looked the same. |
After cleaning. Their pond is so big they have to get water trucked in to fill it back up. |
The lily pads got destroyed by the power washer. A few small fish unfortunately perished due to overheating in the holdover kiddie pool. There are over 100 fish (we counted). |
Our pond gets a few rare toady visitors but the Smith pond has many frogs. Here's one of the locals. |
Kickball 365
So awhile back I mentioned we quit the pool team, but we never really quit. We're still active on the team and we're in second to last place this session so it's been a bit of a drag. To change things up a bit Roy joined a kickball league. The league is run by
Kickball 365 and they have leagues around the country. He's in a co-ed division and they play on Thursday nights. It's competitive but social, they actually have umps and the games stats are recorded, but you'll see people (mostly guys) drinking beer while they play and dressed in costumes or skimpy outfits (keep your eye on the balls!), too. The first couple of weeks got rained out but once the weather got nicer things got rolling.
This is kickball. Games start at 6, 7, 8 or 9 pm and last about an hour. |
Kickballers go downtown afterwards to re-hydrate. |
Rich and Roy of the Harrisburg Hot Pockets. |
Roy plays third base. Their team is really good and they made the playoffs! As of right now they are in the top four. Tomorrow they'll play the semi-final game and if they win, the final game. Go Pockets!
Tchotchke Convention
In May Roy and I along with a few co-workers went to AC for a promotional products trade show. I've been working in this industry for 11 years now and though I have been to a few of these it's nice to get out of the office every once in awhile. I would like to go to the Vegas show one year. It's held in January and it's supposed to be humongous. The only truly memorable thing at this show in AC was one of the booth models. She was so tan she reminded me of Magda from There's Something About Mary. All the sales guys over 70 were loving it. I wish I had a picture.
Last November Roy closed on a 3-unit up the street from our house. Yesterday he closed on another 3-unit down the street (all are on our block). Everyone is joking that he's buying up the block but seriously, he is! Here's a photo of the "FOR SALE" sign of the one he just picked up. The photo is taken from the front of our house so you can see how close it is. There are two front units, similar to our place (top and bottom apartments) and there is one smaller detached unit in the back that needs fixed up. We're hoping my 76-year old aunt moves in back there so she can be closer to us, but we'll see if it meets her high standards.
Almost Summer
Well, it's that time of year again! School is out for the kiddos. My cousins are headed to Korea this time for a few weeks then onto Indonesia again. We are taking them to the airport hotel tonight for their early flight tomorrow. On Friday we'll be off to NOLA for our nephew Cade's baptism. Can't wait to see this little guy (and get some drive-thru daiquiris)!
And that's the end of this Big Blog Bonanza issue. What's in store for your summer?